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Showing posts from August, 2019

What are the Sectors of the Hospitality Industry?

  The Hospitality Industry is an umbrella term for a collection of business sectors that have a lot in common and that work closely together. I will share with you my view of the industry brake down. You will be able to see the scope and complexity of it, as well as image all potential career paths in the hospitality industry. What is the hospitality industry? A group of businesses have been roofed under the umbrella of hospitality because of the services and experiences they provide to the same group of people. Most will tell you there are 3 or 4 or 5 sectors in the hospitality industry, and they will bundle up huge industries into one headline. I think they are wrong and are doing the industry a huge disservice. The hospitality industry is big and complex, and could not be described in just 3 or 5 headlines. It covers the full guest journey of a traveller and then some. The 11 sectors of the hospitality industry: 1. Accommodation The Accommodation sector includes everything fro...

5 Hospitality Jobs You Probably Never Heard Of

  When choosing to pursue a career in hospitality you probably had an idea what your career could look like. You imagined that you would work in either a hotel or a restaurant and after a few years as a frontline employee you would get promoted to a manager, and another few years later you would become a director. Perhaps you would set your eyes on a General Manager role, but only really if you’ve got enough experience in Front Office. You only see this as your career path in the hospitality industry, because career guides like this one tell you that. While this example is very visual (which is nice) in contrast to your usual bullet-point list, it is still limited and reflects the old school thinking that is limiting the hospitality industry. What’s wrong with today’s hospitality career guidance Hospitality career guides today imply that you must follow a certain very specific career path to become a manager in a field and the various fields are never connected. Events are separat...

How to Choose the Right Hotel to Start Your Career

  How do you choose what hotel to work at or start your career at? If you are at the beginning of your career and are looking for your next internship or your first full-time employer you are probably thinking about the “right” brand to work for, the more luxurious the better. You couldn’t be more wrong. Why? Because while the brand of the hotel plays a role in your image, but matters less when it comes to getting the most valuable experience to build your career on. I am going to tell you how to select the right hotel for your career. Before we get into that, I want to tell you why it doesn’t matter what brand the hotel is and that in fact, the more luxurious is not better for your career. It doesn’t matter what brand the hotel is Effectively, the work is the same in all hotels in the same category, a Crowne Plaza does not operate dramatically different from a Hilton or Marriott. The guests in these hotels probably stay at all three brands when they travel and can’t even tell the ...